The latest version is appleseed 2.1.0-beta. It was released on September 21th, 2019.
Please check the release notes for the list of new features and bug fixes available in this version.
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Note that the preferred way to obtain appleseed source code is to clone the Git repository hosted on GitHub. This will allow you to stay in sync with the latest updates and fixes as soon as we pushed them to GitHub.
Make sure to follow our detailed build instructions if you want to build appleseed from sources.
Plugins are all self-contained, they don’t require to download and install appleseed separately.
appleseed-maya is a native plugin for Autodesk® Maya® 2018 (Windows only), 2019 and 2020.
GitHub Repository
appleseed-max is a native plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
blenderseed is a plugin for Blender 2.8x.
GitHub Repository
appleseed is the default renderer of Gaffer by Image Engine.
Gaffer is a general purpose node-based application designed for use in the visual effects industry.
It provides basic tools for procedural scene generation, shader authoring, rendering, and image compositing.
Here are a few basic scenes demonstrating various features of appleseed. Some of the scenes are accompanied by the source data in the form of a 3ds Max or Blender file.
These scenes were tested with the latest official release of appleseed (2.1.0-beta). They may or may not work with older versions.
The shaderball is a scene designed to build, test and show materials. It is available as an appleseed project as well as in various formats suitable for importing in DCC applications such as Maya, 3ds Max or Blender.
The appleseed shaderball scene was tested with the latest official release of appleseed (2.1.0-beta). It may or may not work with older versions.